What You Should Feed Your Pomeranian Puppy

Do you want to figure out how to feed your Pomeranian puppy properly? The time I got my first Pomeranian, I too was overwhelmed. This bundle of joy means everything to me, but I also had to learn from scratch how to keep it, which is why I did plenty of research.

So, what should I feed my Pomeranian puppy? The ideal food for a Pomeranian puppy is high-quality dog food manufactured specifically for puppies. There’s grain-free, dry, and wet puppy food. Adequate puppy foods should contain around 22%-32% of protein and 10% -25% of fat. Adult dog food or inappropriate home-cooked meals won’t suffice.

Here I will focus on what kind of food a Pom puppy should eat, the nutrients it should get, and why these nutrients are so important for their overall health.

How Feeding the Right Nutrients Helps Your Pomeranian Puppy

As an animal lover, you’ve probably heard how important nutrients are for any dog, not just your Pomeranian. Our furry little friends need all the protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals they can get. Without them, you can’t expect your puppy to have a healthy metabolism and fend off diseases.

The type of food you choose to feed your dog will be one of the most important things that will keep your Pom in good health. The best source of these nutrients is top-quality puppy food. If you combine a healthy meal with plenty of exercises, you get a healthy and happy dog.

But, the problem is, many of us often overlook the importance of combining all of these nutrients when planning a meal for our Pomeranian.Pomeranian puppies need a lot more care than other bigger breeds. They can’t eat everything and anything; instead, they need a proper diet to keep them in full health.

You should feed your Pomeranian puppy foods. They come in all shapes and sizes, and there is plenty of variety to choose from. You can go for a mixture of wet and kibble food, just kibble or raw foods.

The nutrients you should pay attention to are fatty acids and proteins, or anything that would provide plenty of calories. When you want to purchase proper foods for your Pomeranian puppy, those foods need to be rich with these nutrients, including additional vitamins and minerals. Here is why these nutrients are important and what they can do for your puppy’s health.

Food Rich with Fatty Acids Helps Your Puppy Avoid Dermatitis

Fatty acids are some of the most important nutrients for your Pomeranian. Unfortunately, these nutrients are often missing from animal diets, and dog owners, such as yourself, need to make sure they get puppy foods with plenty of fatty acids. Your Pomeranian needs these nutrients for muscle strength, a healthy reproductive system, for the heart, and more.

But, there is one particular reason why foods rich with fatty acids are crucial for your furry Pom, and that is the skin. Pomeranians are more prone to dermatitis, which causes itchy and dry skin. Fatty acids can help avoid that and keep your Pom’s skin in the ideal condition. The key to their success lies in their nutritional value.

They have excellent antioxidant properties and act as mediators for many physiologic processes in their bodies. They are important for smoothing out the digestive tract, reducing inflammation, and the chance for your dog to experience blood clotting.

If your puppy doesn’t get enough fatty acids, most of its important body functions can be disrupted, and now this is something you should definitely avoid. Such a deficiency in nutrients can cause skin problems, digestive issues, heart problems, allergies, eye disease, and more, which is why a healthy diet is crucial for your puppy.

Of course, not all puppy foods have the same concentration of fatty acids; those of high quality often have more. Check the label to see if the puppy food you want to buy provides the necessary amount of nutrients for your Pom.

Your Pom Needs More Calories for a Healthy Metabolism

When Pomeranians are born, by default, they have poor metabolism. The first thing you should do when your Pom is of age to eat puppy food is feeding it more calories and less fat. The idea is to speed up metabolism and not gain as much body fat. Pomeranians are very energetic dogs; yours is no exception. It will consume a lot more calories and faster than other dogs, which means you will need to replenish that energy all the time.

For a Pomeranian pup, I highly suggest you feed them 3 to 4 times per day. But, when they get older, two times per day will be enough. You have to change your puppy’s portion size as it gets older. But, you don’t want your puppy to be overweight and risk getting diabetes; what you want is to keep your puppy at a healthy weight with a properly functioning metabolism. A healthy and fit puppy doesn’t have thick fat between the bones.

As your puppy grows, their weight will fluctuate. But, it will balance out around the structure of their bones eventually. All the weight and fat will evenly distribute across their small bodies, and feeding them more calories can help them achieve a healthy weight.

Protein Helps Your Puppy Prevent Dental Problems

In general, Pomeranians are healthy breed if they get plenty of exercise and follow a good diet. However, they are vulnerable dogs, a lot weaker than other bigger breeds. Protein plays an important role in your dog’s diet. It is involved in many functions, such as muscle and body repair. These nutrients are a great source of energy and keep the immune system very strong and ready to take on anything, even stubborn infections, and diseases.

All the protein your dog will get will come from the food you are feeding it. If you don’t provide a sufficient source of proteins, you risk hindering their ability to create enzymes and hormones, which are crucial for your dog to function properly.  But, there is one particular reason why proteins are exceptionally important for your Pomeranian, and that is their dental health.

Pomeranians have very small mouths and are prone to dental issues, gum infections, tooth decay, crowded teeth, tooth pain, etc. Without enough protein, their teeth will most likely become more exposed to these dental problems and cause numerous issues for your little puppy. These problems start with tartar build-up.

Then, as time passes, an infection manifests and affects the roots and gums of the teeth. If left untreated, these infections progress, leading to tooth decay. This is very painful for any small puppy, let alone a Pomeranian. That’s why a high-protein diet is crucial for these little furriers.

The best way to recognize if your little Pom doesn’t have enough protein in its system is to check for symptoms of sudden and unexplained weight loss, weakness, or dull/rough coat. If you think your Pomeranian has protein deficiency or you suspect it has dental problems, you should take it to the vet. Sometimes it is possible for a puppy like yours to experience protein deficiency, but if you manage it on time, you have nothing to worry about.

Quick Summary

If you want your puppy to be healthy, you need to feed them proper food. Pick the best high-quality puppy food you can get. Your Pom needs all the nutrition it can get to grow healthy and strong. You should monitor your dog’s diet and make sure it stays on track. That way, you will avoid all the possible nutrient or vitamin deficiencies and ensure your puppy grows up ready to take on the world.